Scranton St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2014

Let’s hear it for the Scranton St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2014!!! It’s a family tradition on my husband’s side and I was able to finally make it. It is an over-the-top expression of pride and love for Eire. Everyone wore green, decorated their dogs and waved to attract the attention of the floats that were throwing shirts, beads, candy and other goodies. Vendors hawked green cotton candy, emerald feather boas, horns that sounded like bull elk calling to each other when blown and hot pretzels. Churches had tables for free coffee, hot chocolate or simply a place to stand together against the cold wind.
There are so many photos and I apologize for the slow page load ahead of time. I managed to narrow it down to just these. And these weren’t even all of the parade! I ducked into a cafe to try a piece of the renowned “Old Forge” style pizza. Because of the line in there, I missed a significant portion of the parade. The pizza was blah – I wish I had stayed in my perfect location. I was asked several times if I was with a newspaper or one of the civic groups because of trying to capture so many photos. When I explained I was merely a blogger (and an unpaid one at that!) I got several wry smiles and then they began posing! I captured this adorable Yorkie right outside of the Steamtown Mall. There was no object too sacred to decorate with green sparkles, orange braids, or shamrock flags.
The parade went on for hours, but we mingled and pushed our way through the crowds to the Scranton Cultural Center where we met up with family and enjoyed music, Irish dancing and hands-down the absolute best cabbage & noodles I have EVER tasted. What an exhausting, exhilirating and festive day.
I think my favorite part was that this was the first time having my camera that I felt bold enough to ask people to let me take their picture. A couple of the young girls and the women holding the banner actually made eye contact with me. That’s what sticks out to me. I have been used to just documenting what I see. This parade was the first time I felt like I was interacting with the action. I can’t wait to go again next year. 😉
These pics are fabulous and I love the write up! Parade day is one of my favorite days of the year and the cultural center is my favorite part, besides the parade itself! Thanks for sharing the day with us!
I loved it! This was only that first hour; can you imagine how many more I would have had if I had stayed the rest of the afternoon?! I am sorry it has taken me 30 years to attend. Next year I need to get more dressed up, though. My little headband wasn’t enough. 🙂