Hello, there. It’s been awhile.

Hello, there.  It’s been awhile.

Well, the world certainly looks differently than it did back in 2016 when we last posted on this blog. The faces aren’t the same – some have grown and moved on. Others are a little softer, a little grayer than before. Some we had to bid goodbye. We embarked on several large, long term projects back then and are just now beginning to see the end of the tunnel on a few of them. As a family, we have reflected on what is a priority and chose to let some of our old goals go in the interest of mastering different skills.

The blog looks differently, too. Technology has far surpassed anything we dabbled in almost 20 years ago with our first few posts. Some of us finally figured out the trick to proper photography lighting 😉 Some of us didn’t. The way humans interact with websites and use social media has changed the landscape of blogging forever. The cooking, gardening and photos will all continue. We will eventually bring back some of the old blog posts, and they will be edited with better photos as well as formatted for better searchability. Some of the family posts will stay private. We had some problems with photo theft, as well as a few stalking problems back in the day – that also contributed to our lack of interaction.

This will also become a place of commerce. Links to an online shop for our products, and livestock sales will be added. Separate pages for our herd and flocks will be included, so our audience has a full picture of what we do here and what we offer. An artist has been commissioned to make a proper logo, and we hope to have that up on the website by the time our first kids hit the ground in March. We’ll do our best to fill in the gaps as to what we’ve been up to, but right now we look eagerly to the future. Please join us.

4 Comments on “Hello, there. It’s been awhile.

    • After the last few years, we are, too! We haven’t decided how many we are keeping, but some babies racing around with the zoomies is just what 2022 needs. 😊

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