Artichoke Fava Bean and Asparagus Stew

I know we are more than halfway through winter, but I suspect this Pantry Challenge that limits my purchases of fresh vegetables and the snow that keeps falling are giving me the munchies for spring. I am thinking of tender baby peas, crisp young asparagus, M&M’s….wait, scratch that last one. Focus, right? I wrote earlier about the Rhinebeck Country Living Fair last June. I met Brent and Josh, the Beekman Boys. I fell hard for their Heirloom Vegetable Cookbook. Very hard. I searched for baby artichokes for over 6 months so that I could make their Artichoke Fava Bean and Asparagus Stew. Last November, the stars aligned and I finally made it. They and the team at Beekman 1802 were so kind in granting me permission to put this recipe on my blog. I am incredibly thankful. Here’s to hoping Punxsutawney Phil sees an early spring.
Artichoke Fava Bean and Asparagus Stew
Reprinted from “The Beekman 1802 Heirloom Vegetable Cookbook” by Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell. Copyright (c) 2014 by Beekman 1802, LLC. By permission of Rodale Books. Available wherever books are sold.
- 2 lbs fava beans in the pod
- 2 TBS fresh lemon juice (I used Meyer lemons, my favorite!)
- 1 1/4 lbs baby artichokes *look for small baby artichokes with tightly formed heads and crisp stems*
- 1 TBS olive oil
- 3 cloves garlic, smashed and peeled
- 1/2 tsp coarse (kosher) salt
- 1 tsp finely chopped fresh tarragon leaves
- 1 lb asparagus, ends trimmed, cut into 1-inch lengths
- 2 TBS cold unsalted butter, cut up
Remove the fava beans from their pods and discard the pods. In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook the favas for 30 seconds to blanch. Drain and run under cold water. Peel the skins off the favas (no need to do this if the favas are very small).
Add 1 TBS of the lemon juice to a large bowl of cold water (this is “acidulated water”). Snap off the dark outer leaves of the artichokes until you’re down to paler green leaves. Trim the very bottom of the stem and, with a paring knife, remove the outer layer of the stem. Cut about 1/4 inch off the tips of the artichoke leaves. Halve the artichokes lengthwise and place in the bowl of acidulated water to prevent them from discoloring.
In a large skillet, heat the oil over medium-low heat. Add the garlic and cook for 5 minutes, turning it over as it cooks, until it turns golden. Lift the artichokes out of the water and add them to the pan along with 3/4 cup fresh water, the remaining 1 TBS of lemon juice, the salt and tarragon. Increase the heat to high, bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer, cover and cook for 20 to 25 minutes, turning the artichokes once or twice, until tender enough to be pierced with a knife.
Add the asparagus to the pan, cover and cook for 3 to 5 minutes, until the asparagus are crisp-tender (timing will vary depending on the thickness of the asparagus). Add the fava beans and cook for 1 minute to heat through. Remove from the heat and swirl in the cold butter. Serve immediately.
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